Are you ready to cast your vote and join us for a day of gaming fun? I'm excited to announce that I'll be hosting another event on March 21st at 1pm, in celebration of the national holiday in Japan. But here's the twist: I'm letting YOU, our visitors, choose which game mode we'll be playing! (cast your votes using the poll on the homepage)
So what are your options? First up, we have Snowy Survival, an infection-style 2D game mode - are you skilled enough to survive? Next, we have Snow Brawl, where players battle it out with snowballs, this game mode is a fan favorite for those who love fast-paced action. Last but not least, we have Tag: Dominion, where teams compete to get the most TAGs with the various power-ups available to give you an edge over your opponents, this game mode requires strategic thinking and teamwork to succeed. So, which game mode will you choose? 🤔 Cast your vote by the 17th of March and spread the word to your friends. 🗣️ The leading game mode will be hosted on March 21st at 1pm - don't miss out on the fun! 🎉 Interact with players from around the world and practice your English skills in a fun and engaging way! 🌍📈
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Gimkit has recently released a new game mode called Snowy Survival, which seems to be a mix of Snow Brawl, tag, and Fishtopia in one exciting game. The worldwide Gimkit fanbase is currently buzzing with excitement as they try to uncover the game's hidden lore.
Snowy Survival is a perfect addition to Gimkit's suite of educational games. It encourages students to practice their cognitive skills while having fun and learning at the same time. The new game mode requires players to work together to survive in a snowy world filled with obstacles and challenges. So, stay tuned to my social media accounts because I might host an impromptu Snowy Survival game this weekend. Join me and let's discover the game's secrets, Don't forget to follow me for updates! To be successful in the Snow Brawl game on the 23rd of February, you'll need to review how to make nouns plural in English and understand how to use 'a', 'an', and 'the' articles in English. In this blog, we'll explain these concepts in an ELI5 (explain like I'm 5) way, so even if you're new to English, you'll understand how to use nouns and articles correctly.
Making Nouns Plural: To make a noun plural, you usually just add an "s" to the end. For example, one book becomes two books. However, there are some exceptions to this rule. If the word ends in "s," "x," "z," "ch," or "sh," you add "es" to make it plural. For example, one box becomes two boxes. Another exception is for words ending in a consonant and then "y." In this case, you drop the "y" and add "ies" to make it plural. For example, one baby becomes two babies. Finally, some words ending in "f" or "fe" change to "ves" to become plural, such as one knife becoming two knives. And some words ending in "o" add "es" to become plural, such as one potato becoming two potatoes. Using Articles: In English, we use articles like 'a', 'an', and 'the' to talk about nouns. 'A' and 'an' are indefinite articles, which means they refer to any one thing of a particular type. We use 'a' before words that start with a consonant sound and 'an' before words that start with a vowel sound. For example, 'a cat' and 'an apple.' 'The' is a definite article, which means it refers to a specific thing or things. We use 'the' when we are talking about a specific person, place, or thing. For example, 'the cat in the tree.' Many Japanese English-learners struggle with the concept of making nouns plural and using the correct articles in English. In Japanese, there is no concept of plurals or articles, so these English language concepts can be particularly challenging to grasp. However, with practice and exposure, learners can gain a solid understanding of these concepts. So... don't miss out on this great opportunity to learn and have fun with our LIVE event on the 23rd of February ! On Saturday, February 11, 26 students gathered for a unique and exciting English and Japanese language learning event - the Snow Brawl. The event was an unforgettable experience that combined education and entertainment. The video above is a 1 minute highlight of the event.
The snow brawl event lasted about 30 minutes before my connection dropped, and students were able to answer 1779 questions, with 80% accuracy, covering various adjectives. The fast-paced game kept the students engaged and motivated, and they were able to put their language skills to the test in a fun and dynamic setting. Overall, the Snow Brawl event was a success, with about 26 students leaving with newfound confidence in their language abilities and a greater appreciation for the learning process. This event was a testament to the power of interactive learning and its positive impact on students. We can't wait to host similar events in the future, and we hope to see even more students joining us for these exciting and educational adventures. If you're looking for a fun and effective way to improve your language skills, be sure to stay tuned for our upcoming events!" 2月11日14:00から15:00まで、GIMKITの雪がせん(Snow Brawl)のライブゲームに59人の英語学習者の一人として参加しよう!"
同じような英語学習のルーチンに飽きていませんか?楽しみながらスキルアップしたいですか?それなら、2月11日に開催されるGIMKITの雪がせん(Snow Brawl)のライブゲームに参加してみませんか?このイベントは、英語学習者が楽しみながら語学力を向上させる絶好の機会です。 59名様限定のこのイベントは、英語学習者が自分の語学力を発揮し、楽しみながら上達できる絶好のチャンスです。ゲーム実況は59分間なので、急かされることなく、十分にプレイして楽しむことができます。しかも、参加費は無料。このイベントは完全に無料です GIMKITの雪がせん(Snow Brawl)は、他のプレーヤーと競いながら、英語で質問に答えるインタラクティブなゲームです。このゲームは英語学習者に最適で、楽しみながら語学力を鍛えることができます。ライブゲームはオンラインで行われ、日本中の学生が参加することができます。 楽しみながら英語力をアップできるこの機会をお見逃しなく。2月11日に開催される「GIMKITの雪がせん(Snow Brawl)」のライブゲームに参加できる59名の幸運な生徒の一人として、カレンダーに日時を記入しておいてください。このイベントはとても楽しいものになるはずです。 |
Peter HoangI'm an experienced English as a Second Language (ESL) teacher and coach in Japan, working with students from kindergarten to high school (K1-12). アーカイブ
4月 2024