Hey there, teachers! I've got something awesome to share with you. As an educator myself, I know how important it is to keep things engaging and effective in the classroom. That's why I've created a super helpful guide called "An Easy Guide to Prompt Engineering for EDU." This book is all about using AI to make your teaching life easier and more exciting. I've broken it down into simple steps, so you can start using AI to create cool lessons, activities, and materials in no time. Don't worry if you're not a tech expert or if English isn't your first language. I've made sure to explain everything in a way that's easy to understand, with lots of examples to help you along the way. In this guide, you'll learn how to: Use AI to generate educational content Write prompts that get the AI to create exactly what you need Make engaging lessons, quizzes, and assignments with AI Use advanced tricks to level up your AI-powered teaching I've also included tons of tips and real-world examples to get you inspired and ready to dive in. AI is changing the game in education, and I want to help you be a part of it. With "An Easy Guide to Prompt Engineering for EDU," you'll have everything you need to start using AI in your teaching right away. So don't wait – grab your copy now and start exploring the amazing possibilities of AI in the classroom! Your students are going to love it. Download the book below, Happy teaching! ![]()
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Hey there, everyone!
I've got some big news to share with you all. After spending an incredible 8 years at Osaka Sayama Middle School, I'm embarking on a new adventure. That's right, I've been transferred to a new school! It's a bittersweet feeling, but I'm excited about the opportunities that lie ahead. First, I want to take a moment to express my gratitude to the amazing faculty and students at Osaka Sayama Middle School. You have all been a vital part of my journey, and I couldn't have asked for a better experience. The memories we've created together will always hold a special place in my heart. Thank you for your support, your enthusiasm, and for making every day at Osaka Sayama Middle School a joy. Now, as I start a new chapter, I'm determined to carry forward the valuable lessons I've learned and the unique English teaching style I developed using tablets. I truly believe that incorporating technology in the classroom can make learning more engaging and effective for students. At my new school, I plan to build upon this foundation and explore even more innovative ways to enhance what I teach. One idea is to leverage the power of language learning models (LLM) and artificial intelligence (AI) to create interactive and personalized learning experiences. Imagine students being able to generate their own content, such as stories, images, dialogues, or even virtual conversations with AI language partners. . . Of course, this is just the beginning, and I'm eager to collaborate with my new colleagues and students to bring these ideas to life. So, here's to new beginnings and endless possibilities! The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology announced that they will be surveying how well elementary and junior high school students speak English in April 2023. The survey will cover three subjects: "national language", "arithmetic/mathematics", and "English". This will be the second time that all junior high school students will take a survey about their English skills. The survey will be conducted online using a computer system called "MEXCBT" by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology.
To prepare for the English speaking test, teachers should create activities to help students speak English as much as possible ( pair work activities, or simply reading text aloud). Students can also practice at home using the simple web app on this site called ' Dictation Memo ' . This app is free to use and will work on any device using the Google Chrome browser. The app uses various technologies to listen to the student's speech and provide instant feedback. By using Dictation Memo, students can boost their confidence in speaking English with a computer, which can be helpful for the speaking portion of the English test. Regular practice using this app can improve students' speaking skills and help them feel more confident when taking the English speaking test. On April 18, the survey will take place at about 500 schools chosen by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. The results will be announced as national values. The remaining 9,000 schools will take the survey on a date assigned by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology between April 19 and May 26. The results will be returned to each school and student as a reference value. 文部科学省は、2023年4月に小中学生がどの程度英語を話せるかを調査すると発表しました。調査対象は3教科: "国語"、"算数・数学"、"英語 "の3科目です。中学生全員が英語力に関する調査を受けるのは、今回が2回目となります。調査は、文部科学省の「MEXCBT」というコンピューターシステムを使ってオンラインで実施されます。
英語のスピーキングテストに備えて、教師は生徒ができるだけ英語を話せるようにするためのアクティビティーを作ることができます。また、生徒たちは「ディクテーション・メモ」というシンプルなウェブ・アプリを使って自宅で練習することもできます。このアプリは無料で使用でき、Google Chromeブラウザを使ってどの端末からもアクセスできます。このアプリは、さまざまな技術を駆使して生徒の発話を聞き取り、即座にフィードバックを提供します。 ディクテーションメモを使用することで、生徒はコンピューターを使って英語を話すことに自信を持つことができ、英語のテストのスピーキング部分に役立てることができます。このアプリを使って定期的に練習することで、生徒のスピーキングスキルを向上させ、英語のスピーキングテストを受ける際に自信を持つことができます。4月18日には、文部科学省が選んだ約500校で調査が行われる予定です。結果は国民的価値として発表される予定です。残りの9,000校は、4月19日から5月26日の間で文部科学省が指定した日にアンケートを実施する予定です。結果は参考値として各学校・生徒に返却されます。 ご存知のように、新しい言語を学ぶことは、特にスピーキングとリスニングのスキルに関しては、困難なことです。この記事では、これらのスキルを楽に向上させるシンプルなツールを紹介しようと思います。
ディクテーション・メモは、英語力を向上させたい学生にとって素晴らしいツールです。音声認識でメモを取るという簡単で便利な方法を提供し、学生はスピーキングとリスニングのスキルに集中することができるようになります。初級者から上級者まで、あらゆるレベルの語学学習者に最適なツールです。 それでは、ディクテーション・メモを詳しく見ていきましょう 。 便利で簡単に使える ディクテーションメモ」は、インターネットに接続できる端末であれば、どこからでもアクセスできるWebベースのアプリケーションです。ユーザーフレンドリーなインターフェースで、音声認識ソフトの経験がなくても、誰でも簡単に使うことができます。 使い方は、「録音」ボタンをクリックし、話し始めるだけ。メモが聞き取った内容を書き起こし、その結果をリアルタイムで見ることができます。録音が終わったら、文字起こしを保存したり、ページを消去したり、録音を再生したりすることができます。 スピーキングとリスニングの練習に最適 ディクテーションメモ」は、スピーキングとリスニングの練習に最適なツールです。声に出しながら書き写すことで、発音や文法など、改善すべき点を確認することができます。 また、録音した音声を再生して自分で書き起こしてみることで、メモを使ったリスニングの練習にもなります。これは、英語を理解する能力を向上させるのに最適な方法です。 あらゆるレベルの語学学習者に役立つツール 初心者でも上級者でも、ディクテーションメモはあなたの英語力アップに役立ちます。初心者の方は、多くの語学学習者が苦手とする英語を声に出して話すことに慣れるために、このメモをお役立てください。 無料でお使いいただけますので、ぜひお試しいただき、多くの英語学習者を助けてきた実績を実感してください。 OECD https://stats.oecd.org/BrandedView.aspx?oecd_bv_id=pdtvy-data-en&doi=data-00687-en
私は、リチャード・クラッツが執筆した記事を見つけました。その中で、彼は日本経済について的確な評価をしています。ここでは、日本の英語学習者が理解しやすいように、彼の重要なポイントを要約して紹介することにする。 ...日本には、デジタル技術の扱い方を知っている人が少ないという問題がある。日本の高校生は数学や科学が本当に得意なのに、デジタル技術や科学を使った仕事を選ぶ人はあまりいません。そのため、コンピューターやその他のテクノロジーを機能させることができる人材が不足しているのです。なぜなら、多くの企業がビジネスをより良くするために、このような人材を必要としているからです。 この問題は、多くの日本企業が非常に複雑な古いコンピューターシステムを使用しているために、さらに悪化しています。多くの日本企業は、非常に複雑な古いコンピューターシステムを使用しているため、コストがかかりすぎるため変更しようとせず、新しいシステムの使い方を知っている人も十分にいない。そのため、古いシステムは重要なデータを失ったり、故障が多かったりと、大きな問題を引き起こしている。 デジタル技術を使いこなす人材の不足は、経済の成長も難しくしています。日本では、テクノロジーの扱い方を知っている人が100万人以上必要なのに、113万人ほどしかいない。つまり、企業は最新・最良のテクノロジーを使って、ビジネスをより良くすることができないのです。もし日本がこの問題を解決しなければ、日本は多くのお金を失い、経済規模も本来よりずっと小さくなってしまうかもしれない...。 コンピュータの扱い方を知っている人が少ないという日本の問題を解決する一つの方法は、政府がデジタル技術について教えるクラスやプログラムを増やすことです。また、企業も従業員にコンピュータの使い方を学び、上達する機会を増やすとよいでしょう。また、コンピュータを使うのが得意な人を他の国から呼び寄せて、そのギャップを埋めることも考えられます。 すでに多くの国が、コンピュータを使いこなす人材を確保するために、このような取り組みを行っています。例えば、アメリカでは、学生が科学、技術、工学、数学(STEM)の専門家になるための特別プログラムを用意しています。中国は、学校に大規模な投資を行い、テクノロジー企業と協力して熟練労働者を育成しています。韓国には、すべての人にテクノロジーについて教えるプログラムがあり、新しいテクノロジーを作るために多くの資金を費やしてきました。シンガポールはテクノロジーに特化した実に優れた教育システムを持ち、世界中から本当に賢い人たちが集まってきています。 I came across an article authored by Richard Kratz, which can be found at the following link. In his article, he provides an accurate assessment of the Japanese economy. Here, I will provide a summary of his key points to make it easier for English language learners in Japan to understand.
… Japan has a problem: there aren't enough people who know how to work with digital technology. Even though Japanese high school students are really good at math and science, not many of them choose to work with digital technology or science. Because of this, there is a shortage of people who can help make computers and other technology work. This is a big problem because many companies need these people to make their businesses better. The problem is made worse because many Japanese companies use old computer systems that are very complicated. They don't want to change because it would be too expensive, and they don't have enough people who know how to use the new systems. This means that their old systems are causing big problems, like losing important data and breaking down a lot. The shortage of people who know how to work with digital technology is also making it hard for the economy to grow. Japan needs more than a million people who know how to work with technology, but there are only around 1.13 million. This means that companies can't use the latest and best technology to make their businesses better. If Japan doesn't fix this problem, the country could lose a lot of money and the economy could be much smaller than it should be... One way to fix Japan's problem of not having enough people who know how to work with computers is for the government to make more classes and programs that teach about digital technology. Companies could also give their workers more chances to learn and get better at using computers. Another idea is to bring in people from other countries who are good at working with computers to help fill the gap. Lots of other countries have already done things like this to make sure they have enough people who are good at using computers. For example, the United States has special programs to help students become experts in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). China has made big investments in its schools and has worked with technology companies to train skilled workers. South Korea has a program to teach everyone about technology and has spent a lot of money to make new technology. Singapore has a really good education system that focuses on technology and has attracted really smart people from all over the world. Engage Your Students with Blooket and Gimkit: Exploring Two Unique Educational Gaming Platforms4/6/2023 As an educator, I am always searching for new and creative methods to engage my students and promote learning. Two prominent educational games that have gained popularity in recent years are Blooket and Gimkit. Although both platforms are designed to make learning enjoyable and interactive, each has its own unique set of features and advantages.
Blooket is an online gaming platform that offers a variety of self-learning games. Students have found it appealing because it is user-friendly and provides an immersive learning experience. Blooket offers several game modes, including quiz mode, race mode, and random mode. The quizzes on Blooket can be customized by teachers or students, making it an excellent tool for tailored learning. Furthermore, Blooket has an extensive library of pre-made quizzes on various topics, making it a helpful self-learning resource. I have developed exciting English language learning sets using Blooket, which teachers and students can access on this site. These game sets aim to make learning engaging and enjoyable, while also enhancing language proficiency. Among the most popular sets with students are Cafe, Monster Brawl, and Tower Defense. Give them a try to see how they can improve your classroom or English/Japanese language skills. Gimkit, on the other hand, is a gaming platform designed specifically for the classroom setting. Gimkit games are multiplayer activities that can be played in real-time, making them ideal for group learning. The game encourages students to compete with one another, promoting healthy competition and keeping students motivated. One of Gimkit's unique features is that it allows teachers to customize the game based on the topic being taught. Additionally, teachers can modify the difficulty level of the questions, making it easier or more difficult based on the students' skill levels. I enjoy using Gimkit because it is highly interactive and engages students of all levels. One of its most exceptional features is the ability to host live 2D games. My students love playing games like Snow Brawl, Tag: Dominion, Snowy Survival, and Capture the Flag. To join the games I host, be sure to follow me on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. In addition to the engaging gameplay and learning opportunities offered by Gimkit and Blooket, both platforms also offer rewards for students who participate and excel in the games. In Gimkit, students earn virtual coins called "Gimkit coins" for answering questions correctly and winning games. These coins can be used to purchase different avatars, backgrounds, and power-ups to enhance the gaming experience. This incentivizes students to participate and do their best in the games, which ultimately leads to better learning outcomes. Similarly, Blooket offers "Blooket coins" which can be used to dress up a student's profile, giving them a sense of achievement and personalization. These rewards add an extra layer of motivation for students and make the learning process more enjoyable. As a final note, both Gimkit and Blooket are competitively priced platforms, they also offer an easy way to import sets from other flashcard tools like Quizlet. So make sure you give the a go. Attention all teachers and trainers! Are you tired of using the same old presentation software for your classroom quizzes? Are you looking for a solution that offers more engagement, flexibility, and affordability? Look no further than AhaSlides!
AhaSlides is a cloud-based presentation solution that is designed to help organizations create, edit, and manage custom presentations for classrooms, events, conferences, meetings, and more. The platform is perfect for teachers or trainers who are looking to take their presentation game to the next level by creating interactive and engaging content that keep their students interested and excited about learning. One of the best features of AhaSlides is the vast variety of templates that it offers. These templates are designed to help teachers create presentations that are visually appealing and engaging for their students. From interactive quizzes and polls to live charts and Q&A sessions, AhaSlides has it all. And the best part? These templates are fully customizable, meaning that teachers can tailor their presentations to fit the specific needs of their students. Another great feature of AhaSlides is its gamification capabilities. Teachers can use this feature to create quizzes and games that make learning fun and interactive for their students. With AhaSlides, teachers can create different kinds of questionnaires or competitions that will challenge their students while keeping them engaged and interested in the subject matter. The voice support feature of AhaSlides is another standout feature. With voice support via mobile devices, teachers can easily add narration to their presentations, making it easier for their students to follow along and understand the subject matter. AhaSlides also offers multilingual translations, which is great for teachers who have students from different language backgrounds. This feature makes it easier for teachers to reach out to their students and help them understand the material regardless of their native language. In addition to its user-friendly interface, AhaSlides is also highly affordable when compared to other competing software. The platform is available on monthly and annual pricing, making it accessible to all kinds of educators and organizations. Support is also extended via email, chat, and other online measures, ensuring that teachers can get the help they need whenever they need it. So why stick to outdated presentation software when you can switch to AhaSlides and take your teaching game to the next level? Give it a try for free and see the difference it can make in your classroom engagement and results! Note the free version of AhaSlides is limited to 7 participants. Click here to sign up for Ahaslides A strong vocabulary is a critical component of succeeding in the 英検 test. The good news is that there are plenty of tools and techniques you can teach students to use to improve their vocabulary quickly and effectively. In this blog post, I'll share some of the most effective strategies for building vocabulary, along with examples of online tools you can use to make the process even easier.
1. Read, Read, Read One of the best ways to expand student vocabulary is simply to read as much as possible. This exposes them to new words in context, making it easier to understand and remember their meanings. Try reading a variety of materials, including books, newspapers, and online articles, to encounter a broad range of vocabulary. Tools to Use: Kindle: with its built-in dictionary, it's easy to look up unknown words with a simple tap. Keep a Dictionary Handy Whenever students encounter an unfamiliar word while reading, tell them to look it up in a dictionary. This can help you understand the word's meaning and how it's used in context. Consider using an online dictionary for quick and easy access. below are two links. Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary: a reliable source of definitions for both American and British English words. Google Dictionary: a handy browser extension that allows you to look up words with a simple click. 2. Create a Vocabulary Notebook Have students write down new words and their meanings to help them remember them better. Consider creating a dedicated vocabulary notebook where they can keep track of new words they encounter. Below are two digital tools and their links. Knowt : a note-taking app that allows you to create and organize notes across multiple devices. Google Keep: a simple, easy-to-use note-taking app that can be accessed from any device. 3. Play Word Games Word games such as crossword puzzles, and Scrabble can be a fun way to expand student vocabulary. Digital tools that you can use. Words With Friends: a popular online Scrabble game that allows students to play against other people. gyakuteneigo: an English education game portal website that teaches students words from their textbook and more. 4. Use Flashcards Flashcards can be a powerful tool for memorizing new vocabulary words and their meanings. Tools to Use: gyakuteneigo: an English education game portal website that teaches students words from their textbook and more. Knowt: a free flashcard program that allows students to create and review flashcards on any topic. 5. Watch English Movies and TV Shows Watching English-language movies and TV shows can be a fun way to expose students to the language and expand their vocabulary. Tools to Use: Netflix, YouTube, Amazon: No introduction needed There you go ... 5 tips to help students enhance their vocabulary for the 英検 test. |
Peter HoangI'm an experienced English as a Second Language (ESL) teacher and coach in Japan, working with students from kindergarten to high school (K1-12). アーカイブ
4月 2024